
Sorry, I’ve gotta link this and this. Is there a correlation? You really shouldn’t have to fish as hard as I did to find these “stories” in the first place. Now just who or what is running amok?

Genesis to Revelations

Is it fear that fills the heart with thunder?

A baby cries. It begins; A mother tries desperately to figure out what the problem is and to shut the kid up. Of this origin, misery’s distraction takes eternal root.

Imagine adults as babies, bursting out crying loudly and unrestrained for no apparent reason; and the reaction from others is one of either seeming indifference or to start crying themselves.

What are you afraid of?

On a commuter train at any given time, a quarter of the passengers are red-faced, slobber and snot-glazed snout wailing. During rush hour it’s quite a theater. Still they make their stops, and go on to where they are supposed to go.

The tracks go clackity-clack.

Revelations According to DV
Had Lynch had a Pound to clean out his waste land, it may have ended up shorter, but I doubt there’d’ve been enough left to resemble an empire. A lot of quotable bits, plenty of recycled ideas, including red curtains and a givin’ of the backhand to Hollywood, and material to have so many trying to make sense of it all, while others complain that it can’t be made sense of. Very nice.

Things don’t so much change, as reveal themselves for what they truly are. Here I’m parrot-paraphrasing.


With rash intent I dare to send
This note received a mutual friend:

Take the cups from beneath the cupboard.
Place them on the table and wait like seeds in a lemon
For our mutual friend whose suffered.
‘Der mache seine Liebe mit verschiedenen Stimmen.’

The plan and how it’s seen is
Possibly like that which is meant.
Yes, not only is it this!
For the moment intends intent,
While the others flee in ern’st, but
Lie in wait for assured consent.

For pure desire one’d require
To see it without having to have it.

This soul free of incarnation
Knows a joy far beyond that of the other’s pleasure:
Embodied sans manifestation,
But determined is the wait for the greatest of treasure.

To have a face or to make one,
One may have a mask to put on
And not be aware that it’s revealed
To be the one whose concealed
Face beneath the face betrays
Buried wants, sleeping forays.

For this practice one wears no suit,
And yet the findings bear no fruit.

I will show you we’re in a roomful of dust,
When the sun warms half the room today.
Stave off the cold, stir up the lust.
It is here that you have come to stay.

to Kurt

Did it hurt?


I heard recently and wonder who said that it’s better to prepare for no opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.

I played two pieces instead of one last night, which took me in two directions. This seems advantageous. Perhaps I’m onto something. I normally plan one piece and play more than one anyway. This time I planned both. In doing so, I forced myself to prepare for the whole show instead of just leaving the second half to the muse that comes with a beginning well done. The extra inspiration was there anyway: to acknowledge the room and it’s energy, accompany it, and to give its occupant(s) a track to the next station. It wasn’t entirely a smooth ride, and it didn’t leave according to schedule by any means, but it reached its destination, and no one was injured in the process.

I wonder how many people there are out there who need a constant reminder of the better perspective. I think implied music is the only way I’ll ever be able to meditate, to concentrate and relax simultaneously. To receive anything, I think you have to pass it on. That’s time again, travelling in two directions. Here’s to the train and all its connections:

The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger – but recognize the opportunity.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison

A man will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his suffering.
G. I. Gurdjieff

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