
It can be daringly disturbing
this question of association
while twisting and swinging
and waltzing along in unison
somehow always by oneself

Born out of dust, particles and stars
there’s constant calling
for letting and falling in,
then musing facing forward,
thought of not belonging

The strand of rescued remnants
dwell within the drama
and dream of waking to sunlight
more blinding, tethered, perhaps binding
but never all too attached

Bred from a trembling summit,
drowned and unbound
the release hesitates so long
as never ceasing takes to sing

Division wringing bits
devices of fence and want
an ocean of motion flowing outward
looking inside the eyes that stitch it all together

A reverence rise and fall
goes downward to just that point
where the light spots without capture
get a glimpse get a glimpse
heartrendingly attending this concern

The birth of wonder knows
that nothing is known,
the ills and the cures subsist and disown,
affect channels affection leaving early
always beginning on the way

Schlagfertig und Fertig

And you might ask yourself: Why wouldn’t this come up in a debate, like when the Senators were playing catch with Wal-Mart and Rezko?

They ran out of time? One Senator didn’t have all the ammo or was too full of hope to go that low- or afraid? Maybe that kind of back and forth could go on forever, like a bidding war to see who runs out of dirt first.

People’ve talked about “the plant” in the audience earlier in this campaign, but forget the famous “Can we stop the mud” guy who made GHWB just about choke on his bisected tongue. So nobody really wants to resort to gotchas, but it must be sooo damn tempting, especially right after you’ve just been had.

I can only imagine the bolts of lighting the Senators have in those deep pockets, and but for lightning rods, they would dare (but wouldn’t be there) to throw them.